Alliance Française |
Databases |
Academic Institutions
CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and UREC maintain this database of institutions of higher learning and research organizations in France, which may be searched by keyword, provincial region, and even using a national map.
Directory of French Databases
Peter Gregor, M.D., founded this handy database of information sites and search engines, which is indispensable for quick navigation on francophile topics.
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links
"TBob" – Robert Peckham of the University of Tennessee at Martin's French Dept. faculty, has amassed a repertoire of 8000 (care to count 'em?) links to sites on French culture.
E-zines (online magazines) |
Get a glimpse of the Paris fashion scene with Elle France, which also offers health and beauty tips, nutrition info, meal planning, social commentary, and shopping tips.
Metropole Paris
Ric Erickson, a 20-year resident of Paris, edits this online magazine of Paris essays, photos, and news for visitors. Paris posters are also featured in each weekly issue. Last update was July 2010.
Le Monde Diplomatique
Based in Paris, a fully searchable monthly publication (in French only) covering political, economic, and cultural developments in France. Also offers an e-mail news service.
News From France
Semi-monthly newsletter on current trends and events in France, published by the Press and Information Service of the French Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Paris Match
France's leading news and entertainment weekly (in French) offers online versions of its top stories, along with frequent Quicktime film clips.
Reporters Sans Frontières
Reporters Without Borders provide an incisive world view of politics, conflicts, human rights issues, and technology in the global village (in French only).
La Spirale
Conceived by cyberfreak Laurent Courau as an "ezine for the digital mutants", this visually post-modern site offers bi-lingual perspectives on "trash culture, computer arts, and other significant oddities".
The Tocqueville Connection
This weekly English-language magazine published by U.S.-Crest, a non-profit research organization based in Arlington, VA, is "committed to airing the broadest possible spectrum of opinions on Franco-American issues." Its archives are fully searchable.
French Chambers of Commerce and Industry Abroad |
French Embassies |
French Ministries |
Humor |
How To Be Obnoxious In French
Asserting that the French hold an unhealthy fascination for frogs and snails, tongue-in-cheek francophobe Conrad Leviston offers a potpourri of insulting French phrases, customizable correspondence, pronunciation tips, and the most obnoxious things to tell your lover.
Rire et Chansons
Extensive selection of jokes (in French) on almost every topic imaginable, plus "La Blague du Jour", controversial film clips, stand-up comedy videos, podcasts, radio programs, smartphone apps, and more.
Miscellaneous Sites |
2001 Reasons To Visit France
Maison de la France, the official USA web site of the French Government Tourist Office, has assembled this tantalizing list of the many sights, sounds, gastronomic treats, and personalities which make visiting France a must.
All Experts
Steve Gordon has created a service offering volunteer "experts" who will reply to your e-mail queries on a variety of topics. The Travel section features about a dozen or so intrepid travelers who are well-versed on the various regions of France, and an easy form with which to send your questions.
Café Electronique
Janice Paulsen of the University of Richmond's French Dept. has compiled this collection of links to sites for francophile pen-pals / key-pals, forums, chat rooms, cybercafés, research organizations, poetry readings, etc.
Hosted by Carole Netter at Swarthmore College, this cultural & literary site for francophones offers more than 2500 links. ClicNet publications include classical and contemporary literary texts, literary research, and pedagogic documents.
Creating French Culture
Treasures from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, exhibited at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC., render an historical blueprint of France from the period of Charlemagne (8th century) through that of Charles DeGaulle (1970).
France Diplomatie
Worldwide French news, practical & cultural information, diplomatic archives.
Instantaneous audio access to radio programs from such prestigious French radio networks as RTL, Europe 1, RFI, France Culture, and Sorbonne Radio-France. (Beware, site is heavy on Flash and graphics.)
Passeport Monde
Presse Internationale MSCOMM has assembled a collection of links (in French), primarily to sites on regional cuisine, wines and spirits.
Ressources Humaines - Online Employment Search
This site offers dozens of links to online job bank postings, career fairs, classifieds, legislation, and news articles on employment in France and throughout the world.
Database of individuals who are willing to field your e-mail queries on aspects of Paris and provincial France.
Webcams - Live Views of France
Cybevasion.com has assembled links to dozens of live webcam shots positioned in Paris and throughout France (most are refreshed hourly). Alternate sources for webcams: abc ParisLive, tf1.fr Webcams.
Newsgroups |
University French Departments |
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